Ready to give your brain a workout? Take this quiz to find out how much you know about healthy brain habits. T F 1. n n Less than 8 hours of sleep a day can limit your bain’s abttod reall infomatin. 2. n n Exercise at any age improves brain fcod moy reall. 3. n n Iu are oee, yoisk foeoinem is 8erent hier than a healght psn. 4. n n Solving crossword puzzles, Sudoku puzzles, and getrgelps maintruntin. 5. n n Yood anspnsms neer decision making and memory recall are impd whu drogh w Cek yower. Hd yoo? Yorrs best when you make it your habit to challenge it to sre ancrod moisp nuioatin, slep, anxerisan all hYour daily habits also help keep your brain healthy and atid pemd bain dise. Monthly Health Challenge ™ Give Your Brain a Workout Use it or lose it. Baseball trivia, fun facts, or important phone numbers. They won’t stay in your memory bank forever. So how do you hang on to that stuff? And how do you keep your brain healthy? Give your brain a workout. That’s how. Ever lost your keys? Walked into a room and forgot why you were there? Missed an important meeting because it slipped your mind? Healthy brain habits can help with that too. If you’ve ever felt like your memory was slipping, you’re not alone. Brain function is always in flux. A number of factors influence memory, like: ✔ Drinking enough water ✔ Eating healthy foods ✔ Getting good sleep ✔ Feeling connected with others ✔ Being physically active ✔ Keeping your mind engaged. Giving your brain what it needs can improve your memory, recall speed, problem-solving skills, and attention span. It can even help prevent age-related brain diseases. Take the month-long Health Challenge and Give Your Brain a Workout . CHALLENGE Develop habits to keep your brain healthy Workouts to Build a Better Brain Before birth your brain starts to form links that help you store and recall things. About 100 billion neurons process 70,000 thoughts, decisions, and ideas a day. But that takes a lot of energy. Your brain uses about 25 percent of your body’s energy and oxygen supply. And just like the rest of your body, your brain needs its own regimen of nutrition and exercise. Practice these six healthy habits to boost your brain power: 1. Drink More Water Your brain is about 75 percent water. A thirsty brain can’t recall or focus very well. Motivation lags. Research shows that memory, thinking, and mood improve when the brain and body are well hydrated.1 Drinking plenty of water may also help reduce, depression, and confusion. • Carry a water bottle with you • Aim to drink 40 to 64 ounces of water a day. Requirements to complete this HEALTH CHALLENGE ™ 1. Reave Yorru.” 2. Create your own plan to develop habits to keur bain heal 3. Keep a record of your completed health challenge in ce yoranizoquireoento Answ ers: 1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. True. 5. True benefits of drinking water y4daszfp